Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 67 TRANSPORTATION Vehicular Vehicular connections should be provided through adjacent developments, connect to the existing street network, and provide an interconnected sidewalk and street network in a grid or modified grid pattern. New streets should be designed per the Corridor Character Matrix and Connect Franklin. Bicycle and Pedestrian New development should provide sidewalks, multi-use paths, and trails throughout its open spaces. They should connect to other conservation areas, paths, adjacent uses, and streets. These bicycle, pedestrian, and multi-use path connections should be designed and provided per the Corridor Character Matrix, Connect Franklin, Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Fourth Avenue South, West Main Street The maximum building height should be two stories. Inside Mack Hatcher Parkway Assisted living facilities should have traditional multifamily building form with shallow setbacks and parking located behind the building. Institutional Uses Institutional uses may be appropriate if the location does not negatively impact access, scale, and traffic of the surrounding area and should be located at major intersections of arterial and collector streets. The conversion of dwellings in existing residential areas for institutional uses is not appropriate. Properties south of Liberty Pike & west of Daniels Drive, east of the Truett House Additional height may be considered when underground parking is provided. With any additional height, the structure should be similar to, and compatible with adjacent multifamily; height should transition down towards the Truett house so that each side of the parcel is contextually appropriate with adjacent structures. Limited retail is appropriate when it supports the community, neighbors, or the residential experience. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL