Envision Franklin

78 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS First Avenue, East Main Street, Bridge Street Area along the Harpeth River In 2017, the City and its consultant, Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc., conducted a Riverfront Planning Study to identify the community’s vision for a Riverwalk and opinions about development. The results found broad support for a Riverwalk in a natural setting along the River and the majority did not support additional development within the floodplain. This area provides a unique opportunity to enhance the role of the Harpeth River in downtown Franklin. Open space along the River should be integrated into the downtown core, while also defining an on-site edge of the downtown core. Open space areas within the floodplain should be preserved and enhanced with a system of multi-use paths along the Harpeth River. These paths should provide connections to downtown uses and public parks, with periodic overlooks and access points to the River. The images below represent the community’s desired amenities along the Riverwalk. These types of amenities are encouraged along the Riverwalk. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE