Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 89 USES Primary Institutional and Recreation Secondary N/A FORM Building Placement Varied, based on location Building Character Varied, based on location Building Height Maximum of two stories SITE DESIGN Landscape Preservation of existing natural features Amenities Significant open space and active and passive recreational opportunities The Harpeth River is intended to have a public edge that is physically and visually accessible to the public through a greenway network that extends north to south along the river. The purpose is to provide environmental educational opportunities, points for passive recreation, small informal gatherings and scenic vistas. Access Primary access should be from the street. Parking and services should be accessed through internal and secondary streets. Streets should be designed for slower speeds to allow for a mix of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Strong pedestrian connections should be provided externally and internally so as to connect to adjacent neighborhoods. Parking Generally off-street. On-street parking may be provided along internal or low-volume streets. RECREATION