Envision Franklin

Vision & Guiding Principles | ENVISION FRANKLIN 17 A. Neighborhoods should have a strong identity with intentional design and architectural features that are visually interesting. They will be beautiful places for multiple generations to enjoy, fostering community involvement and social activities, while maintaining a secure environment. B. Vibrant neighborhoods are essential to the overall health of the community and should include a range of housing options and price points (both for rent and for sale) interspersed within neighborhoods across the City. A variety of lot sizes is encouraged. While larger lots provide individual back yard open space, smaller lots should be within walking distance to neighborhood pocket parks and tot lots. C. Neighborhoods should have a pedestrian-friendly design that makes walking and biking pleasurable along streets and open spaces. Sidewalks, multi-use paths, and street trees will continue to be a cornerstone of neighborhoods and should be increased at every opportunity. D. Neighborhoods should be connected to convenient amenities and services, including neighborhood gathering places with commercial services, restaurants, outdoor dining, coffee shops, and corner stores. Integrating and mixing land uses with pedestrianoriented, traditional building form is encouraged, while conventional strip centers are discouraged. E. Intensification and retrofitting of existing commercial areas and their surface parking lots with pedestrianoriented retail and residential infill is encouraged. This will create more vibrant and inviting mixed-use centers, reduce auto dependence, and boost long-term economic health. F. Infill development should be used to re-establish the pedestrian scale and activity along automobile-oriented corridors. This includes moving parking areas to the side or rear of buildings, shallow setbacks, incorporating pedestrian-scale signage and lighting, orienting the main building entrances to the street-side sidewalk, and designing buildings with windows that allow for views into the business. G. The redevelopment of properties is encouraged on vacant lots that create “gaps” in the urban fabric and detract from the character of the street. Adaptive reuse of older, interesting buildings is encouraged to maintain the authenticity of Franklin and to tell its story over time. H. Civic, institutional, and community facilities should be located in prominent locations that are well designed, compatible with the surroundings, accessible to all citizens, and meet the needs of each neighborhood. VIBRANT NEIGHBORHOODS THE CITY STRIVES TO CREATE INVITING NEIGHBORHOODS WITH MEMORABLE CHARACTER THROUGH A BALANCED MIX OF DWELLINGS, PARKS AND OPEN SPACES, CIVIC BUILDINGS, SHOPS, AND WORKPLACES.