Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 53 USES Uses Light Industry, Institutional, and Local Commercial FORM Building Placement Buildings and their main entrances should be oriented toward the street. Buildings should have moderate front-, side-, and rear-yard setbacks. Building Character New buildings should have a clearly defined top, middle, and base and avoid monotonous facades. All sides of a building open to view by the public should display a similar level of architectural quality. Building Height Maximum of three stories. Where a new building will be adjacent to existing residential dwellings, the building height should step down near the residential area in order to ensure appropriate transitions and compatibility. SITE DESIGN Landscape Uses should be buffered from residential with landscaping and appropriate transitions. Landscaping should be used to screen parking and service-areas. Amenities Open space should be provided per the Franklin Zoning Ordinance. Parking Surface parking should be located to the sides or rear of buildings that address the street. Surface parking areas should be lined with buildings so as to diminish the appearance of parking from public view. Limited parking between the building and the street may be appropriate. Structured parking should be screened from view and should not have a presence along the street, unless it has active ground-floor uses along arterial or collector streets. Landscape and/or architectural features should diminish the appearance of parking from public view. MOBILITY Vehicular Primary access should be from the street. Common or shared access points are encouraged so as to limit curb cuts along the street. Bicycle and Pedestrian Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per Connect Franklin and the Parks Master Plan. Transit Transit stops should be provided along existing or planned routes. INDUSTRIAL FLEX